Back to the future
After I took portraits for a long term project in Belarus, the opportunity arose to travel around the military observed exclusion zone with locals. With this I decided to pack my analogue camera with my last two films and left my large DSLR in my hotel room.
The first section consists of pictures of the town of Gomel/Homel in the Dnieper lowlands, which is still heavily impacted by the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe.
In the second part, I visited the last three remaining female inhabitants of the town and highlights life in this hostile environment.
On the one hand, the pictures are snap shots of the living conditions of Belarus in 2013 and on the other hand, they are a recollection of the effects that the Chernobyl disaster had on Europe – and the rest of the world. The title “back to the future” is also a reference to the current state of affairs in Fukushyma, Japan.